Folder Sacraments

Information, instructions and forms for Baptisms, Chrismations, Weddings and Funerals at Holy Trinity Church

pdf Preparing for a Baptism at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Popular

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Preparing for a Baptism at Holy Trinity Church.pdf


You have requested a baptism for your child at Holy Trinity Church, an event which will certainly bring great joy to both your family and the Holy Trinity Church community. This document provides you with important information on preparing for that important event in your child’s life as he/she is “born again” (John 3.5) into the new life of our Savior Jesus Christ.

pdf An Explanation of the Orthodox Wedding Service Popular

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An Explanation of the Orthodox Wedding Service.pdf

An explanation of the customs and liturgical actions of an Orthodox wedding service and their meaning. This text may be used for inclusion in personal wedding programs prepared by couples for weddings at Holy Trinity Church.

pdf Preparing for Your Wedding at Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Popular

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Preparing for Your Wedding at Holy Trinity Church.pdf

Everything you need to know about planning your wedding at Holy Trinity Church:

  • Items needed
  • Paperwork required
  • Setting a wedding date
  • The ceremony
  • Clergy
  • Music
  • Photography/Videography
  • ...and lots more!

pdf Wedding Supplemental Marriage Form 165 Popular

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If there have been one or more prior marriages, this form must be completed by each person who has been previously married, whether in an Orthodox wedding ceremony, in another church or civilly. Additionally, proof of the dissolution of the marriage(s) must be provided with death certificate(s) or civil divorce decree(s) and ecclesiastical divorce decree(s) depending on the circumstances of dissolution.

pdf Wedding Information Form Popular

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Wedding information Form to be completed by the prospective couple prior to the first pre-marriage appointment with the priest. Copies of each person's Baptismal Certificate (and Chrismation Certificate if applicable) must also be provided.This is a fillable PDF that can be printed or emailed back to the Church Office. Note: If there have been one or more prior marriages on the part of either party, Supplemental Form 165 must also be completed.

pdf Baptism Information Form Popular

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Baptism Information Form to be completed when a baptism is scheduled and returned along with a copy of the child's Birth Certicate. This is a fillable PDF that can be printed or emailed back to the Church Office.