Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
Our Missions Ministry History
Holy Trinity Church has responded and continues to respond to the mission and service call of the Gospel by sponsoring various local and international mission and outreach projects, helping hundreds since our first parish mission trip in 2003. Many of these efforts involve helping those in need to going to them "outside the gate" (Heb. 13.12) and simply serving them in whatever way we can. What kind of missions projects have we served?
- Homes have been built for needy Mexican families through various Project Mexico since 1993.
- Assistance and rebuilding was provided to Native Americans in Montana and New Mexico through the YOCAMA ministry.
- Help was offered to the disadvantaged population of North Carolina with FOCUS Appalachia.
- Flooded homes were salvaged and others were upgraded through local service project, including The Pittsburgh Project.
All of these mission projects took a great deal of effort to complete and an endless supply of love of Christ, which calls us to help those in need around us. They could not have been done without the selfless dedication of our missions volunteers and the generous support of the Holy Trinity community. As we reach out to our fellow man, we reach out unto the Lord. Let us continue to share our resources not only within our community, but with those in need in our greater community of humanity.
The 2023 Centennial Mission Trip: Project Mexico
Back for 2023!: Project Mexico is celebrating 35 years of building homes for needy families! Holy Trinity Church has sent seven mission teams during that period and built seven homes for needy families. This year, in celebration of our Holy Trinity Centennial, we’re heading back June 20-26! Click here for information and pdf here for a registration form (3.51 MB) . Deadline to reserve a spot is March 1, 2023.
The 2019 Mission Trip: "Helping Houston Recover"
In 2019, the Holy Trinity Missions Ministry participated in a mission trip for teens (14-18) and adults to Houston, Texas, to help with the on-going recovery from Hurrisance Harvey. See photos
Other questions about Missions?
If you are interested in participating the Missions Ministry or have questions, please contact us at missions@HolyTrinityPgh.org or call the Church Office at 412-366-8700.